Thursday, September 12, 2024

Party Games using Balloons

October 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Games

Birthday Party Balloons Games

I was inspired to write this post by Balloon Time when they recently tweeted a great game idea using Balloons. I thought to myself that there are really a lot of great games you can play at a party using inexpensive Balloons and I have even played some at my own parties.  So I thought I would put together a post sharing some of the Best Balloon Party Games you can play at your next Birthday Party.

Not only are they easy to do, the kids love them and my favorite part: They are BUDGET FRIENDLY. It does not get any better than that. All you will need is some Balloons, Kids and some creative game ideas I am going to share with you right here.

Before I get started let me just add in some Balloon Safety Rules – Always make sure you never let a Balloon go free outside and fly away – it is not only bad for the environment, but can also harm wild animals and birds.  Make sure all Balloons are cleaned up if popped to avoid any animals from eating them and becoming choking hazards. Make sure younger kids are always supervised and that no one is afraid of a Balloon popping – some do not like the noise and it may scare them. Just use common sense and keep your party safe.

Other Tips: You can play a lot of these games at a your party and if you choose to do so play the popping ones last – that way when done have the guests clean up the mess and you do not have to pop all the balloons yourself when the party is over. Always blow up your balloons before the party when you are able. For the games that require no helium save your lungs and use a Balloon Pump to blow them up. You can store them in large garbage or leaf bags so they are ready when you are. If you know you are going to be playing these games buy your Latex Balloons in bulk to save money.


Balloon SurvivorThe way I play this is by having enough balloons for all of your guests, blow up (no helium) and attach a string to each of them and tying one balloon to each of their ankles. Have maybe about a foot of string so another guest will be able to stomp on the balloon. Make sure you have a good amount of area for this game to be played. The object is for each guest to save their balloon from being stomped on and popped. They must also pop others balloons by stomping them. The guest that is left with an unpopped balloon is the Winner/Survivor.

BalloonBalloon StompNow this can be played many ways. Before the guests arrive blow up your balloons (no helium) and put a piece of candy in each of them. Make sure to have enough balloons for each of your guests. Toss them all in an open area where they will not blow away.  When it is time to play tell the guests to go stomp or sit on a balloon and find the candy – one each – unless you want them to do more. Always have extra candy aside for those who may not want to participate.  Another variation could be to have tickets in the Balloons with numbers that correspond to prizes bags they can pick from etc…

BalloonBalloon StuffingFor this have a bunch of Balloons blown up (no helium) and some music that you can have ready to turn on and off. When the music goes on each guest will run, grab the balloons and stuff them into their shirts and pants. You can even provide the guests each with a extra large shirt they can put on over their own before it starts so it evens the playing field a bit.  When the music stops whoever stuffed the most balloons wins.

BalloonUse your HeadFor this you will give each guest a Balloon – you can have them write their name on it, add stickers or decorate so they know it is theirs. have some music and when the music goes on each guest will have to keep their balloon in the air and off the floor only using their heads. If the balloon falls to the floor they are out.  Last one with their balloon in the air wins. You can play this multiple times it will go quick.


Balloon Word Scramble For this you will blow up your balloons (using helium) and weight each one individually using different lengths of ribbons to get different heights. Think of a long word or phrase. Then draw each letter on a balloon. Then take all the balloons and mix them up and scatter all over the playing area. You can do this as teams providing you have enough letters for the word or phrase to be spelled out multiple times or just have all the party guests work on it at once.  On go they guests have to figure out what the word or phrase is and line the balloons up in the correct order. This game idea comes from Balloon Time.


Balloon Ring TossThis is fun and easy. For this have a few balloons blown up (using helium) and have ribbons cut to different lengths and each one weighted individually.  Scatter the balloons in the playing area and determine the tossing point the kids will stand at.  Depending how large you inflate the balloons you can use a Hula Hoop or Quilting ring to be tossed to go around the balloons. You can also add numbers on the balloons to determine point values. If you do not have rings available you can also use soft balls the guest can toss to hit the balloons as well.  The balloons will move making it different every time they toss. This game idea comes from Balloon Time.


Ready, Aim, Fire!! This game is one you will want to do outside when the weather is nice.  It is a play off the fun Water Balloon Carnival game the kids like. Blow up your balloons (with helium) add a ribbon and a weight to each.  Mark a horizontal line on the ground and place your balloons about 2 feet in front of the line all  lined up. Arm each guest with a water gun and on go let them see who can be the first to get their balloon to cross over the line. For a messier play – give them a can of silly string. This game idea comes from Balloon Time.


Balloon Blow Up RaceFor this you will need about 4 Balloons for each guest (not blow up). Also have a timer handy and set the time to one minute.  On go they have to blow up their balloons and who ever can blow up the most wins. Now it is hard for some to tie the balloons so you can also give them Balloon Clips to use so they do not have to struggle with that if they are younger. I am not young and still have a hard time tying balloons.


Balloon Whistle RaceFor this game you will blow up balloons (no helium) by color for teams. So if you have 4 teams you will have four different colors of balloons for this game. Then you place one whistle in each of the colored balloons – one per team. Then you will blow up an equal amount of balloons for each team with no whistles. When it is time to play you will mix up all the balloons and colors and on go the teams race to stomp or sit and pop the balloons until the first team finds the whistle and blows it.  You can continue the game until all the teams have found their whistle. This is best to be played outside. This game idea comes from Balloon Time.


Balloon Finger BalanceHave a Balloon blown up (no helium) for each guest and they will have to balance their balloon on their finger. It will take concentration and good balance to keep it there. See which one of the guests can do this the longest. Their finger must be in contact with the balloon at all times.


Balloon Name Game Have your guests form a circle. One guest will go in the middle with a balloon that has been blown up (no helium). That guest in the middle tosses up the balloon and calls out another guests name. That guest they called must them catch the balloon before it hits the ground. Hopefully they are paying attention. If they catch the balloon then they are up next in the middle and so on. This is a great ice breaker or way for the guests to get to know each other. If the guests need help – put name tags on them.


Balloon IdolThis is fun game of Karaoke with an inflated Twist. Before the party write down some song titles on a piece of paper. They can be sounds you have on a Karaoke Machine or just popular songs some may or may not know. Stick the song titles in each balloon (with or without helium). Each player will have the chance to pop a balloon and must attempt to sing the song which they get by doing so. This game idea comes from Balloon Time.


Pass the BalloonThis sounds really easy, but not when you cannot use your hands. Take a blown up balloon (with or without helium) and line up all your guests. Now they have to pass the balloon down the line using no hands. The guest who drops it is out. Keep going until you have only one player let in the game and that person will be your winner.


Silly Balloon RacesYou can do races a lot of different ways using your balloons. Set up a relay race in teams, individual obstacles or one on ones just by having each guest carrying the balloons different ways. Place the balloon between your legs, under your chin, have the guests race in pairs holding the balloon between their backs or bellies and so on.  Or how about rolling the balloon on the ground only using your nose? You get the idea. You can do a lot with balloons and races – be creative and have fun and do not forget the camera.


Balloon VolleyballBreak your guests into two teams. Have some blown up balloons on hand (no helium) and take a rope or net if you have one and put in the middle of the playing area. Each team will hit the balloon and score points when they are able to get the balloon to hit the ground on the opposite side. If a balloon is popped that team who pooped it loses a point. You can set a point value to reach for which the team be winners.


Balloon Sports You can always use a balloon in place of the ball in many sports. Play Balloon Golf – give your guests clubs and set up a course where they have to get the balloon through – you can set up identical courses and have a race. Balloon Baseball – using a lightweight bat you can play just as you would baseball, but it may be harder to pass the ball and get your outs. You can pretty much incorporate a balloon into any of your favorite sports – it won’t be easy, but that is the fun behind it.


Balloon TriviaMake up some good trivia questions to go along with your party theme or even make them about the guest of honor.  Write them down on paper and stick one in each blown up balloon (with or without helium). Now break your party guests into two teams. taking turns each guest will choose a balloon to pop and have to answer the question inside. If they get it right they receive one point – this continues until the balloons run out. At the end of the game team with the most points wins.


Balloon Chair PassThis is fun. Have all the guests sit on chairs and form into a circle. Just like hot potato they will pass a balloon around the circle – BUT they can only use their feet to do so. Sounds easy, but it is not.  Have extra fun by changing the direction or adding in more balloons at the same time. The one who drops the balloon is out of the game. As your circle gets smaller and the guests get less keep changing directions and last one in wins.


Balloon Towel RaceBreak your guest up into teams and pair them off. Give each team a towel and a balloon blown up (no helium). Each team will race in pairs and be placing a balloon on a towel held tightly by your guests so it does not act like a net.  Set up a finish line and on go each team must race to that line and back without dropping their balloon off the towel. If it falls off the towel and they cannot catch it with the towel they must start over. If they make it to the finish line and back to their team then the next players in line get to go. This keeps going until you have a winning team and all the players have gone from that team.


Balloon Hang UpWe all know when you rub a balloon on our hair or clothing you can make it stick to the walls and that is what you are going to do in this game.  Split your guests into teams and find some walls you can use for this game or take turns. have a bunch of balloons ready on the floor blown up (no helium). On go set a timer to 1 minute and each team has that amount of time to see how many balloons they can get to stick on the wall. Which ever team can hang up the most wins.


Spin me Round and Round Break your guests up into pairs and give each pair a blown up balloon (with or without helium). What they are going to do it place the balloon between them and hold their hands behind their backs. On go all the teams will them turn in circles holding the balloon in place with out dropping it.  Last pair to still be holding their balloon wins.


Deflating Balloon RaceGive each guest a deflated balloon. Have a starting point and a finish line. What the guest will do it blow up their balloons point them in the direction of the finish line and let them go. You may want to make sure each guest has a different color so everyone knows which one is theirs to avoid germ spreading.  Then the guest will follow their balloon and keep doing the same thing until they can be the first to get their deflated balloon across the finish line.


Balloon SoccerBreak your guests up into teams and set up goals on each side of the playing area. Have some blown up balloons ready for this game (no helium). The object of this game is for the team to get their balloon into their opponents goal. Sounds easy huh? Well here is the kicker – they must do so with their feet while on the ground.  Just like crabs – ow this outta be funny to watch.


Balloon Egg RacesPlay this just as you would an egg race – the only difference is that your egg is a balloon (no helium) and even harder to race with.  Play in teams and race two at a time. See who can keep their balloon on the spoon. If it falls off have them start over.

So as you can see there are so many great Balloon Games and you can even make up your own games. It is an inexpensive fun way to add some extra fun to your parties. You can find some more games and balloon activity ideas at Balloon Time, my inspiration for putting this all together.

Check out my post on Rocket Balloons another fun party activity the guests love.

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