Saturday, September 14, 2024

Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit Review and Giveaway – CLOSED Good Luck

July 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Giveaways

GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED – Congratulations to Kimberly for winning !!! Thanks to all that Entered !!!

I recently had the honor of reviewing Balloon Time’s Helium Balloon Kit for a recent party I had for my son. I picked up my Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit at my local Walmart, but they are available many other places as well like your local Party Stores etc…  If you are unsure where to purchase yours you can visit  Balloon Time’s Website for a location near you.

The Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit comes in two Sizes a 30 or a 50 all depending on how many Balloons you will be filling. I picked up the 30 only because that is all Walmart had on hand at the time I was there.

The Balloon Time® 30 Latex Balloon Kit includes:

  • An 8.9 cubic-foot helium-filled tank
  • 30 vibrant, assorted-color, 9″ latex balloons
  • A spool of ribbon

The Balloon Time® 50 Latex Balloon Kit includes:

  • A 14.9 cubic-foot helium-filled tank
  • 50 vibrant, assorted-color, 9″ latex balloons
  • A spool of ribbon

Being I was having a Movie Themed Birthday Party I had pre-ordered my Balloons to match the party theme so I did not have to use the ones that came in the box, BUT I am happy to have them for parties in the future – so they are put away.  I must say that I was very excited that we would be able to fill our Balloons in the comfort of our home instead of running up to the store to have them filled. I have had so many experiences of having them filled and when trying to get them into my car I  always seem to lose a bunch – never fails.

In addition to that I did not have to run out on the day of the party to have this done and take the time away from decorating and getting ready for the party. We all know that we go crazy on Party Day so it was a blessing that I did not have to think about that.

My son wanted to be the one to fill the Balloons so being it was his party I thought I would let him go for it. He is only 12 so I thought what better way to review it and see just how easy it is to do. My husband also got in on the action – Must be a Guy thing – lol. I must also give credit to my sister who was there ready to Knot the Balloons and add the Ribbon, which was included.

It was nice I got to sit back and watch as they Filled all the Balloons easily with the Helium. Just attach your Balloon onto the end, press down and Fill. I highly recommend getting one of these kits if you are having a Party it will save you so much time and it is So Easy to use. I also like the fact that the Tank is also recyclable – Nice Bonus.

Now onto the Giveaway. You can Enter to win your very own Balloon Time Balloon Helium Kit Coupon which will entitle you to get a FREE Kit of your Choice – Either the 30 Balloon or the 50 Balloon Kit.

You may Enter once or 5 times to increase you chances by doing the following, but you must complete the Mandatory Entry to qualify:

  • MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Balloon Time’s Website and tell me a Which of the Balloon Games you like (which is under the Party Planning with Penny Section) by leaving a Comment below – Be sure your email is attached to your Comment so we can contact you if you are a Winner.
  • BONUS ENTRY: Become our Fan on Facebook and leave me a comment on our page that says – I want to win the Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit Giveaway.
  • BONUS ENTRY: Follow us on Twitter @thepartyanimal then copy and tweet:  I just entered The Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit Giveaway at @thepartyanimal @balloontime
  • BONUS ENTRY: Follow @Balloontime on Twitter
  • BONUS ENTRY: Become a Fan of Balloon Time on Facebook.

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, 18 years old or over, all winners will be chosen by This giveaway will end August 15th at 12:01 am Eastern time and the winners will be announced soon after.  If the winners do not respond to my email within 48 hours then I will pick a new winner. Coupon will be mailed via USPS.

Good Luck

The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


80 Responses to “Balloon Time Helium Balloon Kit Review and Giveaway – CLOSED Good Luck”
  1. Wendy Gummere says:

    Hot Air Balloon

  2. Good One – Good Luck Girl !!!

  3. Katrina says:

    I went to the site and I could not find the games…I like the party suggestions by Penny though!

  4. Katrina says:

    I am a fan of balloon time on FB

  5. They are there under Penny’s Party Idea – no worries – Good Luck

  6. I like the Sink the Balloon game!

  7. Sara (@Doodle741) says:

    Balloon Pop Relay sounds fun!!

  8. Sara (@Doodle741) says:

    I follow @BalloonTime on twitter! (As @Doodle741)

  9. Sara (@Doodle741) says:

    I “like” Balloon Time on facebook!

  10. Sara (@Doodle741) says:

    I don’t see my tweet comment – so here it is:
    I tweeted!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Good Luck and thanks for entering

  12. It sure does – Good Luck !!!

  13. Dee says:

    I like the helium Reverse Volleyball

  14. Dee says:

    I just became a fan and wrote on your wall on facebook!

  15. Dee says:

    I follow balloon time on facebook

  16. Dee says:

    I am their fan on facebook

  17. Kimberly says:

    Sink the Balloon

  18. Kimberly says:

    Became a FB Fan & left a comment!

  19. Kimberly says:

    Following you on Twitter & tweeted!

  20. Kimberly says:

    Following Ballon Time on Twitter!

  21. Kimberly says:

    Became a FB fan of Balloon Time!

  22. Thanks ;0) Good Luck

  23. polly says:

    i like the bag the balloon game the best. looks like fun!

  24. Jammie says:

    Bat the balloon sounds like a lot of fun to me.

  25. Jammie says:

    Facebook fan of yall and I posted on your wall… Jammie Morey.

  26. Jammie says:

    I follow balloon time on twitter Jammie79

  27. Jammie says:

    I like Balloon time on facebook Jammie MOrey. On August 23 I will be attempting your Zhu Zhu pet cake… I will make sure to post pictures on my blog as well as giving you a link back wish me luck LOL

  28. OMG I cannot wait to see it – Good Luck – it is fun. I will be waiting – lol

  29. A Crites says:

    Love the butterfly!!!

  30. Ben says:

    Hot Air Balloon

  31. Ben says:

    Fan of party animal on facebook!

  32. Ben says:

    Bacame a fan of Ballon Time on facebook, oh & I wrote on your wall!

  33. Emily Dudley says:

    My daughter would love the Sink the Balloon game. Sounds like so much fun. Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. Emily Dudley says:

    I became a fan of BallonTime on FB

  35. Emily Dudley says:

    I’m following balloontime on twitter

  36. Emily Dudley says:

    Following and tweeted on Twitter!

  37. Emily Dudley says:

    I’m a fan on FB and left a comment on the wall. Thanks so much!

  38. Balloons says:

    This is really great, i like it. Thank you sharing this blog.

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