Saturday, July 27, 2024

Betty Crocker’s FUN da-Middles Cupcake Review

September 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Cupcakes

Have you noticed Betty Crocker’s New FUN da-Middles Cupcake Mix in the baking isle of your grocery store yet? I did immediately and I picked up a box to give it a try and share my thoughts here with you.

So I was recently in my store’s baking isle and I saw something new on the shelves out of the corner of my eye. It was FUN da-Middles and being a HUGE Cupcake Fan I could not pass up buying up a box to try out – they looked yummy. They are basically just Cupcakes with a creamy filling in da-Middle.

I bought the Chocolate Cupcake Mix with the Creamy Vanilla Filling to try – They reminded me of a Yankee Doodle I use to love as a child. But you can also choose White Cupcake Mix with Creamy Vanilla Filling or even White Cupcake Mix with Creamy Chocolate Filling. Or you can just buy them all if you can’t decide – lol

My Niece and Nephew were here this weekend for a sleepover so I decided it was the perfect opportunity to try these out. So let me show you the baking process.

So in the box you have your Cupcake Mix and a Packet filled with your Creamy Filling.

All you need for the Cupcake Mix is Water, Oil & Eggs

You also need 12 Cupcake Liners

Then you just Mix up all your Cupcake Mix & Ingredients

Then I lined my Cupcake Pan with my Liners and filled each one about 1/3 filled with the Cupcake Mix. I used my Cupcake Batter Dispenser

too – I love this gadget !!

Next you have to take your FUN da-Middles Creamy Filling Package and knead it for a bit.

Next cut the tip off and evenly distribute a blob onto all the Cupcakes.

So here is where I had an issue – nothing major. I squeezed a bit too much of the filling in beginning and by the time I got to my last cupcakes the filling got less and less.I went back and stole some form the other cupcakes to try and even it out. So my tip when you make these is to start off small and you can always go back and add more. So easily fixed !!

After you do that take the rest of your Cupcake Mix and cover the filling and you are ready to Bake !!

Super EASY !!

Sooooo As you can see they came our PERFECT !! and there was FUN in da-Middle !!

But now the Big Question?????

Do they Taste as good as the look

So I called in my Goofy Taste Testers as you see here.  My Son is missing, but that is because he hates being in my photos (lol)

I am happy to say “YES” they loved them and so did my Hubby and I. The Chocolate was moist, but a bit denser to me than a regular Cupcake and the Cream was not overly sweet – it was just the perfect touch of both – really really yummy.

I decided to not frost them and I really liked them just like that, but of course you can frost and decorate them up any way you like.

I think these are a perfect addition for your next party and a fun surprise when the kids bite into them.

Now I have to try all the flavors !!

So are you going to give them a try?

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