Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bubble Guppies Costumes

September 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Costumes

If your kids are fans of Bubble Guppies and they are asking for a Bubble Guppies Costume this year, well you are in luck I am going to show you some options to put a smile on their faces right here.

If you are reading this you are probably going crazy trying to find your child a Bubble Guppies Costume. Sorry I have to be the one to pop the excitement bubble, but at this time there are no official Bubble Guppies Costumes on the market. I honestly do not know what they are waiting for with getting out any Bubble Guppies Merchandise to the market.

I know parents with kids who are crazy over this show are truly going nuts. I fully understand – been there and done that so many times.

So as far as the Bubble Guppies Costumes go you will have to get a bit creative and I did some research to see what I could find to help you out. So YES you will have to make your child this costume, but to be honest it will not be as hard as you think and no one will have the same one. So that is an Extra BONUS !! And besides years ago when we were young most of our costumes were handmade and that is what made them so special right?

So basically you will be creating a Mermaid Costume which you can use for any of the main characters – Gil, Molly, Deema, Nonny, Oona or Goby. So how do you do that? Good question, I am going to show you what I found to help guide you.

So I searched the web trying to find an EASY tutorial on how to make a Mermaid Tail and I found this one on Instructables.  Even though this tutorial shows how to make a Mermaid Tail you can actually swim with it was basic enough and I thought could be easily altered for what we want it for.

You can find the entire Mermaid Tail Tutorial HERE.

Now here is how I would change it up….

So start by picking out your Fabric for the character you will be creating. What I would do is go with a Solid Fabric (I will tell you my idea to add the design below) and buy something that has a little stretch to it.  Make sure to buy enough for the Mermaid Tail and a Tube Top for the girls.

Then get some large paper to use for tracing your child on and for your pattern. You can find big rolled paper in your local craft store or office supplies stores.

All you do is trace your child with their legs together on the paper leaving an inch or more on the sides so once you sew it they can have some room to move. At the bottom create the shape of fins.

My ideas is when you sew it up to leave a hole in the bottom so their feet can stick out and they can walk. You can even shorten it so that the Fin Design will just touch the ground, but be visible as Fins.

Add Elastic on to the waist for easy on and off. Seems simple enough right?

For the Top I would just create a Tube Top using the Fabric and attaching some straps to hold it up. For the boys I would just have them wear a solid T-Shirt for their costume.

My idea to get the designs on the Fin and Top to match the Bubble Guppies is to just use some Fabric Paint. You can use Fabric Spray Paint or Brush it on in the pattern and color to match the  character you are creating. It is pretty much just a lighter or darker color of the material you chose.

Once you have the Costume done you can accessorize.  To do the Hair I would use Colored Hairspray to match the Character. I find this a much better option for the young ones than wearing a wig. I know my kids would never keep them on and complain it made them itchy !!

For Oona I would get a Star and paint it Light Purple, Glue on a Clip and add that to your child’s hair. For Nonny make sure to get a pair of Blue Goggles to complete this costume and of course Goby likes his Backpack.

So there you have it – my ideas on creating a Homemade Bubble Guppies Costume – I hope this is helpful and if anyone uses this to do so PLEASE send me some pictures to share. If you have anything additional you think I should add on let me know as well.

Oh and one more thing, if this is too much for you you can find lots of Bubble Guppies Outfits, Hair Accessories and Jewelry on Ebay HERE.

Note: If they do come out with Official Bubble Guppies Costumes in the near future – you know I will have them right here !! I am on the look out !!


12 Responses to “Bubble Guppies Costumes”
  1. Angel Heller says:

    This is by far the coolest and easiest way to make this costume by far far!!! My daughter is almost OBSSESED with Bubble Guppies,thank you so much for posting this,and a p.s…I will be posting pics too:)

  2. I would love to see pics when done – cannot wait to see.

  3. Krystal says:

    I have a 8month old boy who loves bubble guppies and im doing his first bday i’ve been going crazy looking for all kinds of bubble guppies supplies and its hard i found ur website and love the ideas i would love to purchase one of ur bubble guppie pinata.thank you

  4. Keli says:

    Thank you for having such an awesome idea here. My oldest was going to be Milli from UmiZoomi & my younger daughter was going to be Minion (but at just under 2 years old, I really dont think she would keep the goggles or construction hat on long enough!Though she adores them!). Both however, ADORE Bubble Guppies and I showed my younger daughter my idea of her being Oona, and now my older daughter (age 3) wants to be Molly. They also want their baby brother to be Goby or Gil and me to be Deema LOL!!! Still deciding on my youngest’s costume since he will be 1 just before Halloween…I was leaning towards Barnacles Bear, but maybe will go the Goby or Gil route. I gotta think about it, because on top of Halloween I have one birthday just before Halloween, one immediately after it. And a birthday to plan & put on in less than 2 weeks. Busy busy busy!

  5. carmen says:

    Hell I have a one year old boy that loves the bubble guppies I wish they give more episodes’ I been looking for things of the bubble guppies this idea is wonderful for his costume will have to get everything to make him a bubble guppies for this year Halloween thanks for the idea much appreciate it.

  6. Corinna says:

    My 19 month old is obsessed with BG’s!! We are planning her 2nd party as full out Bubble Guppie’s theme 🙂 Amazing website thank you so much!

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