Wednesday, October 23, 2024

How to Make a Bunny Bread Veggie Tray

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Party Food Ideas

I am going to share with you a fun way to kick up your Veggie Tray for your next party by simply creating a fun shaped bread in the middle to hold your dip. This past Easter I created my very first Bunny Bread and it was so EASY and came out adorable.

I wish I can take credit for this idea, but I cannot. I had seen it on the Taste of Home website and the moment I did I knew I had to give it a try. So that is what I did and it was a BIG hit at our family Easter.

BUT the best part about this idea is that you can do it anytime of year and your bread does not need to be in the shape of a Bunny – you can shape it into anything you want. Having the bread in the middle of your veggies is a unique way to hold your dip, it adds a fun element to the veggies and the bread is an additional yummy treat as well.

I am tellin’ ya – this is beyond EASY to do, trust me !! You do not even have to make the bread from scratch, unless of course you want to (I like the easy way, just sayin’).

Here is what I used to create My Bunny Bread:

  • Rhodes Frozen Bread Dough – Mine had 3 loaves, I used 2 1/2 of them
  • 1 Egg & Milk for Egg Wash
  • 2 Raisins for eyes
  • 2 Mini Marshmallows for teeth
  • 1 Pink Jelly Bean for nose
  • 3 White Coffee Stirrers for Whiskers
  • Pink Food Coloring
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Variety of Veggies
  • Dip for belly – I made a Dill Dip

So the first thing I did was defrost my Bread Dough in the fridge.

Next I sprayed a cookie sheet with some cooking spray.

Then I took my dough and shaped my Bunny as seen in the photo to the left. I used some warm water on the ends of the arms, feet, ears, and bunny cheeks to adhere them to the body. Make sure to have enough room on your cookie sheet to allow for the bread to rise. Using a knife I made indents into the bunny ears.

Next it was time to let the Bunny Bread rise. I covered it lightly with saran wrap and let it sit out for about 2 hours to rise. Oh did he rise – it made me laugh because he got huge and I was worried he might get up and walk at some point – lol.

Next I mixed 1 Egg Yolk & a drop of Milk to create my Egg Wash and I brushed my Bunny Bread with it and into the oven he went to bake until he was golden brown.

My daughter laughed when he came out because she thought he looked like a Teddy Graham. Ok so his ears where not as long as they could have been, but that is because he grew so much and they changed shape a bit, but once I jacked him up with the raisin eyes, pink jelly bean nose, mini marshmallow teeth and whiskers he looked more like a bunny I think. Tip: I used toothpicks to hold in the nose and teeth and I cut the 3 coffee stirrers in half to make 6 whiskers.

I then laid my Bunny Bread on a bed of Romaine Lettuce and I also too some Pink Food Coloring and colored in the middle of his ears for an extra touch. Then I surrounded him with some fresh cut veggies. Just before serving I cut his belly and formed a bowl and added in my Dill Dip and he was ready to serve.

How cute is he?

Everyone enjoyed eating all those veggies for a healthy appetizer before Easter Dinner. That is my niece and daughter finishing up the last of the veggies. Then when it was time for dinner I broke up the remaining Bunny Bread and served it with our dinner and it was soooo good.

So next time you are creating a Veggie Tray for your party – kick it up a notch with a fun shaped bread in the center to hold your dip. You just saw how Easy it is to do – so no excuses !!

Enjoy !!

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