Friday, July 26, 2024

DaGeDar Toys Product Review

August 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Reviews

DaGeDar is one of the latest toy crazes from Cepia, the makers of Zhu Zhu Pets. These Supercharged Battle Balls will be another big hit for Cepia and the kids.

I recently was given the opportunity to review some of the new DaGeDar Toys and lucky for me my 9 Year old nephew was visiting who was perfect for the job.  So I set him and my 11 year old daughter up with all the DaGeDar Toys and let them play to see what their thoughts were.

Here are the DaGeDar items I received to review:

  • DaGeDar High Speed Score Zone Raceway
  • DaGeDar High Speed Power Launcher
  • DaGeDar Vortex Spinner
  • DaGeDar Collectible Case with Collectible Ball
  • DaGeDar Collectible Ball Set

Before I get into the review if you are not familiar with DaGeDar here is the Official Description:

DaGeDar (pronounced DAH-geh-DAAR) collectible supercharged battle balls have a special feel and weight that almost demand to be raced! Each DaGeDar battle ball boasts a graphic design that reflects the true energy contained within. More than 240 different DaGeDar ball graphics are planned for release this year, with varying degrees of rarity. Each ball carries a special code number that when registered on the DaGeDar website ( will reveal the true spirit contained within the DaGeDar ball, as well as its hidden powers, which can assist in racing strategy and let kids unleash the power within!

Racing DaGeDar balls requires skill, practice, agility and finesse. Players must control the speed and velocity of DaGeDar balls in order to propel them through thrilling loops and turns without forcing the balls off the tracks. Exciting tricks and stunts can be refined by whirling DaGeDar balls in Spinners or loading several balls into Battle Launchers to unleash them with supercharged battle play.

Being this was my Family Reunion weekend at my house I was very busy so I wanted the kids to do this review on their own (I did come in to check on them and snap pics periodically). I opened all the boxes and let them follow the directions on all the assembly to see if it was simple enough for them to do. I am happy to note that they had no issues putting it all together. I was also very excited to check out the DaGeDar Balls myself and I must say they are very cool and have a nice weight to them. I also love the graphics each one had and the little stand each one comes with for displaying.

So much nicer than the Marbles we had to play with as kids !!

Once they had everything assembled they took the DaGeDar Raceway into the living room to start racing. The both had a lot of fun playing with this and it kept them busy for quite some time. When I came in to snap my pics and ask them what they thought so far I got Two Thumbs up from both of them and big smiles.

I sent all the DaGeDar Toys home with my 9 Year Old Nephew and gave him a call for some final thoughts on these.

I asked him if he has played with them since and I was happy to hear him say “Yes”

Here are some of the other Questions I asked him….

What do you like about DaGeDar? That it is Fast Paced

Any issues with it? Sometimes it whacks out and the balls get stuck in the loop and you have to start all over again.

Do you have to chase the balls around the house a lot? Yes

Will you be asking for more DaGeDar Toys for Christmas? Yes

Do you still give these toys 2 Thumbs Up and would you recommend it to others? Yes and Yes

So there you have it !!! I knew when I wrote about these DaGeDar Toys after I first saw them that they would be one of 2011’s Hottest Toys and after the kids got to play and review them I think I was right. Wooo Hooo I love when I am right.

You will find DaDeGar in all the big retail stores and toy stores and also on Amazon Here:

 Take a look at the DeGeDar Commercial:

The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

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