Saturday, October 12, 2024

How to make a simple Teddy Bear Gift Bag

July 8, 2009 by  
Filed under Crafts

TeddyBearGiftBagHow adorable is this Simple Teddy Bear Gift Bag? This is a bag I made for a Bear Birthday Party for the kids to all carry home the Bears they stuffed. Not only is it cute it is so easy to make and the kids all really loved them.

Let me tell you how it is done:

Materials Needed (What I used and of course you can change it to what suits you) – I made 12 Bags

  • Solid Handle Gift Bags – I used Kraft Paper Bags I found in a bundle at the local craft store.
  • Black Permanent Marker
  • Off White Felt – I bought about a 1/2 yard from the store
  • Brown Fur Material – I bought about 1/2 yard from the store
  • Colored Ribbons – I bought various colors for the bows
  • Colored Buttons
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • A Quarter

How to put it all together:

Cut out ears from the Brown Fur in an almost half moon shape just a big wider as you can see in the picture. Glue them to the top of the bag at the corners so they go above the top of the bag.

For the eyes trace a quarter with a pencil for each eye then color in with the black marker. If you want you can even glue on big goggle eyes or even use bigger buttons.

For the mouth area cut a piece of the off white felt into oval shapes and glue onto the bag below the eyes. Careful not to use too much glue that it will bleed through. When the glue dries you can draw your oval nose with the black marker and a line coming down as shown in photo.

For the bow Cut out two triangles from the ribbon and glue on so the points are touching each other. Then take your Fun Button and glue on to the middle to form your bow.


These bags look so cute all lined up too.

Check out my website for the Stuff a Bear Party Activities that would go great in this bag.

Morgans12Morgans13Check out these Bag variations using the same concept, but instead of a bear it is a dog using different colors.


4 Responses to “How to make a simple Teddy Bear Gift Bag”
  1. Such a cute idea for a party bag. Kids are sure to love these.

  2. Thanks for the comment – They are so easy to make and yes the kids do love them. Simple and Fun

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