Scooby Doo Birthday Party
June 30, 2009 by ThePartyAnimal
Filed under Party Themes
If your child loves Scooby Doo then why not have a Scooby Doo Birthday Party Theme. There are so many great party supplies available for this theme and I am going to share them with you to help get you started.
First lets start with some great Custom Personalized Scooby Doo Party Invitations
. As I always say Ebay is a great resource to some of the best party invitations out there.There are so many fun styles that allow you to personalize them with all your own party information and even photos. Sellers also give you the option to print them yourself which is great for those who wait till the last minute.
When decorating the house for the party you can save money by using Paw Prints – draw them with chalk on the driveway and sidewalks. You can also find lots of great FREE Scooby Doo Coloring pages you can color and hang up all over the house – this is fun to get the kids involved. Use your child’s Scooby Doo Toys
and add them on the tables and around the house. Of course you can find lots of great Scooby Doo Party Supplies like Balloons, Banners and more.
For a fun food idea the kids love – make some Dog Chow. There are many recipes for this, but I like to use Cocoa Puffs mixed with some other cereals to make it most appealing to the kids. You can also turn this into a game. Put a small amount into bowls and the kids have to race with their hands behind their backs to see who can eat theirs the fastest. Sit back and watch the laughs. Also do not forget that in the supermarket you can get Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks and Scooby Snacks Cookie Biscuits.
There are lots of fun Scooby Doo Theme Games
you can do as well. I found this great Scooby Doo Ring Toss that looks like fun. The kids have to toss rings onto Scooby Doo. Of course you can also have your Scooby Doo 3-D Pull String Pinata which you can fill with some fun Scooby Doo Stickers, Toys and Tattoos and even Scooby Snacks – you can add in the small bags of fruit snacks.
Here are some more fun Dog Theme Party Games:
Drop the dog bone into a dish – get dog biscuits (or something similar – cookies?) and a dog bowl. Have kids kneel on chair facing the back and drop as many bones into the dog dish as they can. Or have them use their mouth. Or sort by colors etc…
Puppy, puppy, dog – just like duck, duck, goose
Pass the doggie bag – Get a simple lunch bag – decorate it with some paw prints, get a small jewelry box and fill it with little trinkets or candy – enough for all the kids, wrap the box 9-10 times with different paper – pass it around to music (who let the dogs out, you ain’t nothing but a hound dog etc..) every time the music stops the person holding the box has to remove a layer of wrap off – when it gets to the end that person maybe wins a prize or just hands out the prizes inside to everyone.
Drink like dogs – put water in bowls (may be messy – have a good spot) and measure maybe 1 cup or so of water in everyone’s bowl – hands behind back – who can drink it the fastest – winning prize (A Towel)
Bone Digging –Great for outside – make piles of dirt and hide bones (dog biscuits cheap) in it – who ever can find the most in their pile within a time limit wins. Or if real brave dig holes and bury them.
Done Gone Relay – Divide kids into 2 teams. Have them form 2 lines at the end of the room. At the other end have 2 piles of things dogs would want to fetch – old shoe, bones, ball, toy car, stuffed cat etc.. When you say “go Fetch” the first player on each team runs to the other end of the room and grabs an item. Here’s the catch. If they grab the shoe they must put it on and run back to their line wearing it before the next player can proceed. If they pick up the toy car they must race it back with its wheels turning on the floor. The ball must be carried in their mouth. The cat requires them to say “meow, meow” all the way home. Lots of fun. First team to bring all their items home wins.
Or same idea just have the kids go on hands and knees like dogs and just have them carry the item back in their mouth.
I also love to find great games idea at Party Game Central so be sure to check out all the fun games ideas they have available.
Cake time can be lots of fun for all and there can be so many ideas for this. You can find so many Scooby Doo cake pans, Edible images, cupcake toppers
and more in the Scooby Doo Theme. Make it yourself and save money.
You will also find that Ebay is a great source to some of the best Scooby Doo Party Favors
. You can find lots of great deals and Personalized Scooby Doo Party Favors for lots of unique ideas.