Saturday, September 14, 2024

How to Make Scratch Off Lottery Tickets for your Party

August 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Games

I just recently had a Bingo Birthday Party Theme for my daughter and wanted to add in some additional fun games to the mix. So I thought I would add in a Scratch Off Lottery Ticket Game. I figured the party was based around Bingo and playing to win prizes, that adding in the Scratch Off Lottery Tickets would be a perfect addition.

So I decided being I like to make my own party supplies when I can that I would try my hand at making my own Scratch Off Lottery Tickets and of course I would show you how you can do it too.  Let me say that these are not hard to make at all and you can create your Scratch Off Lottery Ticket to look any way you like – so it makes it extra fun to add in your own personalization.  That is my favorite part ;0). Oh and they are BUDGET FRIENDLY – Extra Bonus.

So let me show you how you can make some too.

What I used to Make my Scratch Off Lottery Tickets:

  • Heavy Card Stock
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Metallic Paint
  • Dish Soap
  • Clear Packing Tape
  • Paint Brush
  • Prizes

The Fun part is creating your Scratch Off Lottery Ticket. You can create them in any program you feel comfortable with. For me I used Publisher. My daughter’s name is Amber and she likes to call herself Amberlicious (go figure – lol) so that is what I used on mine as I called it “Lucky Amberlicious”.  The Area where the kids would be Scratching to win I took a photo of her that was actually drawn (you can use Photos, Clipart etc…). I set mine up so they had to match 3 Amber’s to win. The other areas I added in a sad face. Have fun with it and be creative.

Now I decided to have 2 winning cards. I have seen cards made where everyone is a winner, but for me I feel that would defeat the game.  So I had 2 that would win – ya know kids need to learn that not everyone can win – just part of life.  I had 2 prizes which happen to be Stuff a Plush Kits that I sell as part of my business the kids love.

Then I printed the Tickets out on Heavy Card Stock Paper.

Next, gather up your supplies. Grab your Scissors, some Clear Packing Tape and a Paint Brush. For the paint I used Purple Metallic Paint – nothing extra special it was just Acrylic Paint you can find in your local craft store or any store that sells crafts. Then have some ordinary Dish Soap ready to go.

For the next step you want to Cut pieces of the Clear Tape and cover the area where you will have the Scratch off part on your Ticket. This is so when you add the paint on it will allow it not to stick and be able to be scratched off after it dries. So be sure to cover the area completely. So far so easy right?

Now place some of your Paint on a disposable plate then you will add in a drop of Dish Soap.  Figure 3 Parts Paint and 1 Part Soap. Mix it up really well.

Now what you will do it paint over your tape. Make sure to cover the area with the tape completely. Then let it dry and add on another coat. I ended up doing 3 coats to completely cover the area and have it so you could not see through it. Hold it up to the light so you can make sure you cannot see the images from both sides of the cards.

When they are dry cut them out and you are ready to play and have the kids Scratch 2 Win !!

Here are the girls at the party with the Scratch Off Lottery Tickets. You can hand out pennies for them to use or let them just use their nails to Scratch them.  Since I forgot to hand out the pennies at my party – some girls used their nails while others grabbed some plastic forks and went to town.

It just so happened that my own Daughter had a winning ticket and then her Best Friend.  I had no idea which tickets were the winners – it was all random.

The kids really loved the Scratch Off Lottery Tickets and they were so EASY to make. So give it a try at your next party – they are fun no matter what Party Theme you may be having.

Now let me add this – If you are not feeling creative, but you love this idea – Not to worry.  You can find that EBay has a Huge selection of  Personalized Scratch Off Lottery Ticket Games available. You can find them made to match pretty much any Party Theme you may be having and they can even be personalized with your child’s name in most cases.

In addition to that you can also find Scratch Off Stickers.  These come in different Shapes, Sizes and Colors all you do is place them on top of the area the kids will be Scratching.  With these you can create your own Scratch Off Tickets like I showed you above, but instead of painting it yourself you can simply place the Scratch Off Stickers on.



4 Responses to “How to Make Scratch Off Lottery Tickets for your Party”
  1. Terra says:

    These are really cute scratch off cards. You can also cut the stickers into fun shapes.

  2. Thank You and Great Tip.

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