Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sleepover Party Facials- Girls love them !!

August 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Activities

Planning a Sleepover Party? If so you should consider giving the girls all a Facial before bed. It is really EASY to do and the girls love them.

I thought it would be fun to give the girls at my daughter’s recent Birthday Party, which was also a Sleepover, a Facial.  The girls are all 11 and I thought they would really enjoy this. After a long day outside and swimming in the pool their faces could use some detoxifying right?

So prior to the party I went to my local CVS to find a fun Facial Mask I could use. I wanted to find something that smelled Sweet and Yummy. So here I am in CVS opening and smelling all the Facial Mask products – I may have looked crazy, but I found the perfect one.

What I ended up buying was by FREEMAN called Superfruits Detoxifying Clay Facial Mask. It has the sweetest smell and I also liked the fact that it had a light green tint which would make for some fun photos. Best part is that it cost me less than $5.oo and was more than enough to use for all the girls and extra for me – lol

My next stop was the Grocery Store, because you cannot give the girls a facial without the Cucumber Slices to put on their eyes right? So I got some of them too.

So after the girls were all done outside and they got into their jammies it was time to get out Facials !! I gave each one a Headband to put their hair back and we were ready for pampering. One by one I covered each of their faces with the Facial Masks.  Of course there was lots of Giggling and staring at themselves in the mirror during this process !!

Once they all had their Facial Masks on I had them lay down to relax as I placed the Sliced Cucumbers over their eyes.  This was so darn funny to see. Also the Facial Mask got tighter as it dried which made it less easy for them to move their mouths, but the pictures are PRICELESS….

How funny are these pictures? Almost scary right?

So the girls relaxed for a bit before it was time to wash it all off and reveal their purified faces !!

Then one by one each girl washed the Facial Mask off with some warm water and a wash cloth – that is all it takes. Then they could not stop feeling their faces and each others saying how soft they were.

So for less than $5.00 and the cost of a Cucumber the girls all got a Facial. For most it was their first time and something they will all remember. Best part is that I have plenty of the Facial Mask left so guess who will have the soft skin now? Me Me Me !!

Do Note: I did have extra Cucumbers and good thing because the girls all wanted to eat the ones on their faces. So after they were all cleaned up we cut up the fresh cucumbers for a healthy late night snack.

I love Sleepover Parties and I am thankful the girls always let me hang out and play !!

So at your next Sleepover Party consider this inexpensive and fun activity to do with the girls and be sure to have your cameras handy, I think that was the best part !!

Stay Tuned for the entire Groovy Tie Dye Birthday Party Post coming soon…..

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