Saturday, September 14, 2024

Turkey Cupcake Party Activity

November 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Cupcakes

turkey cupcakeNow that Halloween is in the past we are moving into the Holiday Season.  I am a big fan of cupcakes and turning them into a fun activity with the kids on Thanksgiving Day. So why not try having the kids decorate their very own Turkey Cupcakes this year. It is so easy to do and the kids not only have fun, but they get to enjoy a great treat at the same time.

turkey cupcake decoaratingThe cupcake pictured is one that I created last year as my sample for the kids to follow. I set up and area for the kids with unfrosted cupcakes and candies for them to use to create their own cupcakes. I had one sample done and let them play off of that. Now not all the kids came out exactly like mine, but that is the fun of it. We had some fun looking Turkeys that is for sure.

You can check out my Hubpage where I featured photos of many ways you can design your Turkey Cupcake for inspiration. You would not believe how many ways you can make a Turkey Cupcake. You can visit that page here: Turkey Cupcake Ideas.

Just remember it is all about having fun and whatever the Turkey Cupcake looks like that the kids make does not matter – Hey they are the ones that have to eat it – lol. “Gobble Gobble”

Also stop by my post on Thanksgiving Party Games.

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