Saturday, July 27, 2024

Turkey Hats become Thanksgiving Holiday Tradition

So last Thanksgiving I decided to start a new tradition in my family after seeing this funny Turkey Hat

. Traditions are fun and I am sure every family has their own they love to pass down generation to generation. So I am going to tell you about my new one that maybe you will start to do within your family too.

A little background; Growing up in my family we had a Christmas Tradition of wearing Santa Hats. Everyone in the family young and old had a Santa Hat with their name on it, my father’s said Santa. We were not allowed to be in the room and open presents unless we were wearing our hat. This is was our special tradition and brings back so many great memories of my childhood. So you can say I have a thing for hats.

Anyway when I saw this Plush Turkey Hat

in the store, which is pictured on my Brother in Law in the photo to the left, I knew I had to have it and start a similar Thanksgiving Day tradition. So it works like this – Whomever is hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and cooking the Turkey must wear the Turkey Hat on Thanksgiving. My Brother in Law got to be the 1st last year – Boy was he excited – lol.

Simple, Funny and possibly embarrassing for the one doing the cooking – which is just perfect. Humor is wonderful !!!

So maybe you want to give it a try within your family and there are many different styles of Turkey Hats out there to chose from. I also like to have fun hats for the kids on Thanksgiving whether it be Turkey Hats, Pilgrim Hats or even Indian Hats. Hats are Fun !!!

This year my Mother in Law will be the one sporting the Turkey Hat and you know I will add the photo right here after Thanksgiving !!! My in Laws must love me !!!

And there she is my Mother in Law sporting the Turkey Thanksgiving 2010 !!

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