Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tween and Teenage Mystery Parties

August 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Party Themes

mystery birthday party

You know I get asked often by parents – What Birthday Party Theme is good for my Tween or Teenager? A Tween is usually a child in the age range of 8 – 12 years old.  At that age some of the kids may be to old for character parties and teenagers are past all of that.  Most Tweens and Teenagers still want a Birthday Party, but they do not want anything that is not cool. So us parents have to get very creative in our party planning.

Well I have come across just what you need and I have to share it as I always do. They are Mystery Birthday Parties. The company that sells them offers a large number of Mysteries to choose from so there is something for everyone – both Boys and Girls.  What is so exciting about these is that everything is already done for you – all you do is provide the kids and some of the props needed. Each kit is downloadable so that is great for all those last minute party planners. Each Mystery Party will last 60-90 Minutes and will work with 8 – 30 Guests. And being they are for the kids there are no adult situations or untimely deaths. They do also have Mystery Party Packages for the Adults as well.

Each Kit Contains:

  • Complete Step by Step Instructions on how to put together the Kids Mystery Party
  • Roles for all the Mystery Players
  • Maps and Guides to help the kids investigate the Mystery
  • Answer Sheets and Important Mystery notes for the kids
  • The Solution to the Mystery which is read at the end of the party

When you visit the website for Kids Mystery Parties you will find a complete list with a description of each of the mysteries available. So all you do is choose the one for you, pay and download.  You also have an option to personalize the party with your own information. Did I also mention that they are BUDGET FRIENDLY? So be that cool parent and have a Mystery Party the kids will be talking about for years to come.

Here is just a very small sample of some of the Mystery Party Titles:

The Ghostly Case of The Haunted Amusement Park, The Terrifying Case of Strange Island, The Perplexing Case of the Pilfered Pooch, The Strange case of the Disappearing Presents and The Blood Curdling Case of the Buried Treasure. Again this is just a few of what is available.

Kids Mystery Party Kits for pre-teens and teens

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