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Yogi Bear Movie Party Invitations

December 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Invitations

The New Yogi Bear Movie will be opening in theaters December 17th, 2010 and if you are planning a Yogi Bear Birthday Party then you definitely like these cool party invitations.

I am very excited for this Yogi Bear Movie considering the cartoon was around back in my day (shhhh). Yogi Bear and his side kick Boo Boo will be there celebrating Yellowstone’s 100th Anniversary in the movie. But it may be the last since attendance is down at the park. But Yogi joins forces with Ranger Smith to help save the park. Does that sound exciting or what? Of course it will be pretty funny as well with Yogi Bear stealing everyone’s food – Ha Ha.

Anyway I like when old shows turn into Movies as long as they are done well, which I think this one will be. It is funny to watch the kids now get all excited about something we all grew up with. In addition to that we have the voice of Dan Aykroyd as Yogi and Justin Timberlake as Boo Boo – that alone will be a draw.

So back to business…. A Yogi Bear Birthday Party would be adorable and a great way to get the party started is with some great Yogi Bear Party Invitations. Being this is a Movie these Yogi Bear Ticket Style Party Invitations (As Pictured) would be just perfect. There is a large variety of style choices to choose from and they are completely personalized with all your party info.

Now at this time there are no Official Yogi Bear Party Supplies out yet based on the movie. I have found some cool Yogi Bear Balloons

like the one you see to the left – this Yogi Bear Balloon is 39″ Tall – is he cute or what?

You can also find Vintage Yogi Bear Party Supplies being sold on EBay Here: Yogi Bear Party Supplies

. These feature Yogi and the gang and date back to 1969. But honestly I would decorate the party area to look like a Picnic and Campground. Not only will it be inexpensive, but you probably have a lot of the stuff on hand in your own home to pull off the look and feel for this party theme.  If Official Yogi Bear Party Supplies come on the market you will find them right here.

One last thing I have to mention – One Joke I have always remembered is one about Yogi Bear so I have to share it here.

Why did they not make two Yogi Bears?

Because they made a Boo Boo

Sorry I had to share it, it has been stuck with me forever and I had to put it out there.


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