Friday, July 26, 2024

String Thing Limbo – Move over Limbo Stick

February 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Games

How many of you have played Limbo at a party? I am sure at some point you have or have watched others do it. You also know that it involves a Limbo Stick right? Sometimes you need people to hold the stick in place, unless you have the kind that comes on a stand. Well guess what? No More!!!

There is now a great new Gadget called The String Thing Limbo and it is taking the Limbo game to a whole new level.  Each unit features a 7 foot string that can be illuminated via the built-in blacklight, so your dreams of night-limboing just came true. If that wasn’t cool enough, the base also plays limbo music to enhance the experience.

So no one has to hold a stick, you can play in the dark and it plays the Limbo Music – How cool is that? Sop instead of a stick getting knocked down if you are not limber enough, the string just stops and no one gets hurt. And if want to practice when the kids are not home so you can show off at the party it is easy enough to do just that.

This is definitely a new way to play the Classic Limbo Game and the kids are going to love it.  Click Here to Order One.

Here is a video to show you the String Thing Limbo Game in action:

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