Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Musical Lily Pad Party Game

June 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Games

Forget Musical Chairs when you play Musical Lily Pads instead. This game is great for any Birthday Party Theme, but would be great with a Princess and The Frog Party, Jungle Party Theme, Frog Party Theme etc… It is played just like Musical Chairs, but instead of the chairs the kids have to hop Lily […]

String Thing Limbo – Move over Limbo Stick

February 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Games

How many of you have played Limbo at a party? I am sure at some point you have or have watched others do it. You also know that it involves a Limbo Stick right? Sometimes you need people to hold the stick in place, unless you have the kind that comes on a stand. Well […]

Guess the Jelly Bean Flavor Party Game

June 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Games

Here is a simple game you can play at any Birthday Party that is SWEET. I played this at one of my daughter’s parties and the kids had a lot of fun.  I use Jelly Belly Beans because they have so many flavors to choose from and their flavors I think are the best. To […]

Cookie Monster Pinata

April 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Pinatas

Cookie Monster Birthday Party Pinata C is for Cookie and Cookie Monster Pinata is for me. It is always about Elmo when kids also love The Cookie Monster. I personally love The Cookie Monster and had to share this great option for your child’s Birthday Party Pinata. So move over Elmo here comes The Cookie […]