Thursday, September 12, 2024

How to make Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes

January 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Cupcakes

So after I created my post on How to have a Zhu Zhu Pets Birthday Party I was being asked about ideas for a Zhu Zhu Pets Birthday Cake by many parents.  So being Cupcakes are one of my favorite things to have at a Birthday Party I decided to get baking and come up with a very simple idea that anyone can do for their Zhu Zhu Pets Party and I am going to show you right here Step by Step.  If a Birthday Cake is your thing you can use the same design to create one of those as well.

Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes

As you can see in the photo above I created a Zhu Zhu Cupcake for each of the current Zhu Zhu Pets on the market at this time, I did my best to match their colors using products you can easily find right in your own grocery store.  So lets start with what I used to create these Hamster Cupcakes.

Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes 2

Of course you will need to bake some Cupcakes – flavor is your choice – I used Yellow Cupcake Mix just because that is what we like. You will also need White (Vanilla) Frosting and Chocolate Frosting.  Now if you are looking to make  all the Zhu Zhu Pets you will need some coloring for their colors and I will tell you what I did for each of them below. On hand I had Wilton’s Black Food Coloring Gel and also Yellow and Red Food Coloring.

For their Eyes I used Brown Mini M&M’s. Their noses were Pink Jelly Beans (mine happened to be Bubblegum Flavor – Yum).  After much thought and searching I chose to use Sliced Almonds for their ears – they were the perfect shape and stuck right into the cupcake and you can eat them.

I thought about adding whiskers and I was going to use uncooked Angel Hair Spaghetti, but I decided to leave them off in the end. If you want to add some that is what I would suggest using – just have the kids pull them out prior to eating. Now let me show you how easy it is to create them:

Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes Steps 1

polka dot Step 1: Frost your Cupcake

polka dot

Step 2: Take your Sliced Almonds and frost them the colored needed for the ears and stick them into the Cupcake.

polka dot

Step 3: Add on your M&M Eyes. Now take your Cupcakes at this step and stick them in the fridge to harden a bit before the next step.  I waited about 15 minutes.

polka dot

Step 4: Take your white frosting and make 2 nice size piles on both sides underneath the eyes then connect in the middle as shown in the photo.  Be careful not to pull up any of the frosting color below – that is why it is important to let harden some in the fridge. You want this to stick up a bit so it is OK to use a generous amount.

polka dot

Step 5: Carefully add on your Pink Jelly Bean Nose and you have your self a SWEET Zhu Zhu Pet Cupcake – OK this one may come with a little mess, but nothing that is not easy to clean up!!! See how easy that is?


Now lets talk about the colors of the Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes.  Personally I have no Zhu Zhu pets in my home and I worked off of pictures from the internet – so my colors may be off in some instances, but I think they are pretty darn close.  You obviously do not have to do each of them and can choose to do just one color style or maybe just a few, but I wanted to show you them all and I had fun playing as my daughter watched them come to life in the kitchen. I kinda felt like I was back in art class mixing up colors until I got what I wanted.  You just have to play a bit until you get the color you want, but I will share what I did for each of them to get you started. So here we go:

  • Winkie: For this one I used White (Vanilla) Frosting and mixed in the Wilton’s Black Food Coloring Gel until it made a nice Black Color.  I frosted the Sliced Almonds White for his ears.
  • Nugget: I used the White (Vanilla) Frosting and mixed in a tiny bit of Chocolate Frosting and then a few drops of Yellow Food Coloring. His ears were frosted the same color.
  • Patches: I pretty much did the same as above, but used less Chocolate Frosting and Yellow Food Coloring for a lighter color and his ears were frosted White.
  • Mr. Squiggles: For him I just mixed White (Vanilla) Frosting and Chocolate to get a lighter Brown Color.  His ears were frosted the same color.
  • Chunk: I must say he was the easiest and was Frosted using only the White (Vanilla) Frosting – ears and all.
  • Num Nums: Now Num Nums should be a light Gray Color, but mine is more a Steel Gray – I think if I played more I could have gotten his color closer. I ended up adding the White (Vanilla) Frosting to the Black and just could not get it light enough. His ears were frosted the same color.
  • Jilly: For Jilly I used the White (Vanilla) Frosting and added in some Red Food Coloring to get it Pink. Jilly should be a lighter Pink Color, but my daughter liked it so I kept it as it was.  Her ears were also frosted the same color.
  • Scoodles: Another easy one using just Chocolate Frosting and his ears were frosted the same color.
  • Pipsqueek: For him I used White (Vanilla) Frosting and I added in a drop or two of Yellow Food Coloring and & Dab of the Pink Frosting to get a Peachy Yellow Color. The ears were frosted the same color.


If you decide you want to have a Zhu Zhu Pet Birthday Cake you can use this same method by using a regular round cake, but you will obviously have to change the items used due to the fact they would have to be much larger. So for the Eyes you can just use frosting in circles or larger round black candies. For the nose I would just use Pink Frosting and the ears could be frosted cookies like Lady Fingers. If I was doing a cake I would definitely use the Uncooked Angel Hair Spaghetti for whiskers.  maybe I will have to bake a sample cake – only problem is we all started our diets today – It is Monday ya know. Yes we ate all the Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes last night and they were definitely YUMMY!!!

If you liked this idea please comment and if you will be making or have made some Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes or Birthday Cake – send me a photo I would be happy to share it here for other parents to see.

Also stop by and check out my post that explains How to have a Zhu Zhu Pets Birthday Party you will find everything you need to pull it off right there.

I just created a Zhu Zhu Pet Birthday Cake also with Step by Step directions – it is a lot easier to make than it looks. To see the directions visit my post – HERE.

NOTE: All pictures in this post above are property of The Party Animal if you would like to use them you must Contact Us for permission.

We are also not affiliated with Cepia in anyway, besides loving their products!!!

zhu zhu pet gift shop


70 Responses to “How to make Zhu Zhu Pets Cupcakes”
  1. Linette says:

    These are adorable!

  2. AM says:

    Looked great…TASTED even better!!!

  3. Randi M says:

    Wow!! These cupcakes are amazing…they look just like the real thing! I am going to blog about your cupcakes today because everyone is going to want to know how to do this!!!

  4. Thanks so much for that compliment and thanks for the post. My Zhu Zhu Pet Cupcakes were not as mess free as the toys, but worth every crumb!!! Your blog all about Zhu Zhu’s is wonderful and up to date with all the latest on these Hamsters!! Again thanks for taking the time to comment.

  5. Marisa says:

    This is adorable! Our daughter loves the Zhu Zhu Pets! She’ll be so excited to see your creations! Thanks!

  6. Thanks so much – I think she would like it even better if mommy made some for her – lol. Thanks for leaving the comment!!

  7. Hannah says:

    They are so colorful and very teasing. It’s really perfect for celebrations! Thanks for cool ideas.

  8. PSI says:

    I think the trick to Num Nums would be to start with white frosting and just add a tiny bit of the black. That pigment goes a long way. But I have to give you props for the Nugget, Patches, and Pipsqueek differences. Subtle and accurate. 😀 I think I’ll try to make these tomorrow for my daughter’s birthday. She’ll be getting her first Zhu Zhu as a present; I never thought I’d buy one, but when you find one that has the same name as your kid, you snatch it up!
    Thanks for sharing this.

  9. You are probably right about the black – I never used the coloring gel prior and probably over did it. I know for next time though. Believe it or not I have not one Zhu Zhu in my home as of yet. When it was xmas I refused to buy at those inflated price, but I am sure I will break down and get one for my daughter soon enough. I would love it so much if you would share a photo of your cupcakes that I can share here. Let me know and good luck !!!

  10. kc says:

    These are soooo cute!!!! I made them for my brothers party and they came out really well!!!! Thank you for sharing these instructions with us. They were a great help!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

  11. You are very welcome – it always makes me smile to know I have helped in some way and a even bigger smile that you took the time to tell me. I would love to see how they came out – do you have any photos to share?

  12. kc says:

    yes we have some photos. My mom says she will try to upload them. I think that yours are better but hey I tried! ^_^

  13. I bet your are wonderful as well – Did they taste good? That is really all that matters in the end really ;0)

  14. kc says:

    They tasted asome!!!!!!!!!!!! I have made them once more since the first time. My family LOVED them as much as me!!!! My sister even asked me if I could make them for her B’day!!!!! We will try to get some photos for you very soon!!!
    =_= (_) !_! ^_^ 😉 -KC

  15. So cute! What a fun cupcake idea

  16. Thanks – LOve all your ideas on you site too !! Cupcakes Rule !!

  17. Kym Lamb says:

    Just finished making Chunk and Scroodles for my daughter’s 7th Birthday/Zhu Zhu Pet/Tea Party.
    Have to pick up the food coloring to make Jilly in the morning.
    I am NOT a cook, but these were easy and my daughter can’t wait to share them with her class on Tuesday! Looks like I will be making many…many more Zhu Zhu Pet cupcakes!
    Thank you for making me a “domestic goddess” in my child’s eyes!

  18. Dear domestic goddess (lol), That is so great – you have to send me photos – I am putting together a bunch from my readers – I am so glad I could have helped – look forward to see the pictures.

  19. Jocelyn Pollard says:

    Just wanted to say thanks for the Zhu Zhu Pets party tips. Made the Zhu Zhu Pets cupcakes for my daughter’s 7th birthday and they were lots of fun! You’re right, there’s no themed material out there for such a party, so your suggestions were a big help.

  20. You are so welcome – now would you like to share a photo of your cupcakes? I would love to share them.

  21. I found your blog via google, and I’m so happy I did!! My daughter wants a ZhuZhu birthday – badly – and now I know what I’m going to do for her The ZhuZhu cupcakes are the best!! Adorable and perfect for the party. Thank you thank you thank you – I can’t wait to make these for my little sweeties bday party

  22. Awww Thanks so much – I am glad I can help. I would love for you to share pictures with me and my readers of your party. I have some fun Zhu Zhu Games coming so sign up for my email newsletter or follow me on Facebook to watch for the post.

  23. dana says:

    Thank you SO very much! My 4 1/2 year old Zhu Zhu OBSESSED daughter is allergic to eggs so I leave cupcakes in the preschool freezer for her in case a classmate is having a birthday party with *normal* fancy cupcakes or cake made with eggs. I made the cupcakes today and I am going to attempt to decorate these without her seeing them. She’ll be overjoyed to see a surprise Zhu Zhu Pet cupcake each time there’s a party – regardless of how fancy the cupcakes all the other kids are getting for the parties. Thanks again – you have NO idea how elated you are about to make a little girl!

  24. OMG thank you so much for the kind words and it makes me extra happy to know a little girl with have a BIG smile on her face. Send me some pictures of your cupcakes – I would love to see them !!! Have fun and Good Luck.

  25. dana says:

    The cupcakes look great and were so fun to make! I am especially proud of Carly, who is a multi-colored pet (yellow/orange/pink). Thanks so much again for the instructions. can u see the pic at this link? If not, let me knwo how to send a pic.!/photo.php?pid=2918366&id=1332384776&po=1&ref=notif&notif_t=photo_comment

  26. Colleen says:

    Can you suggest an nut-free alternative to the ears? These are so cute and look easy

  27. You can use Chocolate or even maybe some Candy in the shape of the ears.

  28. Colleen says:

    I made the Kung Zhu version of these cupcakes for my 7 year old son’s Kung Zhu party. I made Azer, Thorn, Yamo and Serge. Main difference was used a brown jelly bean for nose instead of pink and used some black icing for their facial features. Let me know if you want to see the pics! PS. Games were balloon battle, obstacle course and pass the Kung Zhu

  29. Colleen says:

    PS. I used chocolate covered raisins for ears instead of the nuts – YUM!

  30. creativelychallenged says:

    I’m planning Kung Zhu birthday Party for my soon to be 5 year old son. I bought a Kung Zhu pet to give to all the children to take home, instead of candy. Thanks to you I can now make Kung Zhu cupcakes but will use the chocolate raisins for ears and brown jelly beans for nose! The games the children will play are balloon battle, trianing ground, and eating battle (fruit roll up on a string and coco puffs in a bowl). I just want you to know that I very much appreciate all your great ideas and am so grateful you took the time to share them with us. Thank you!!!!!

  31. No Thank You for taking the time to write such nice things and let me say that this is exactly why I do what I do !!! Have a great Party !!!

  32. zhuzhufan says:

    What could you use for the ears of a Zhu Zhu Bunny cupcake??

  33. Cookies, maybe like Lady Fingers.

  34. Seresa says:

    My little girls Bday is in April. She is a Zhu Zhu Pet fanatic. I was looking for a Zhu Zhu Pet party theme for her and FOUND IT on your website. The Zhu Zhu Pet cake and cupcakes look so easy to do. I can’t wait to dive in and re-create your designs. Thank you so much for posting. My little girl thanks you as well.

  35. I am so glad you found me – have fun with it and have a great Birthday Zhu Style !!

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