How to Make an Easter Peeps Casserole
April 4, 2011 by ThePartyAnimal
Filed under Featured
Looking for a Unique Treat to serve up at your Kids Easter Party or Easter Dinner this year? If so you may want to consider making this Peeps Casserole that will have your guests asking for S’more. Not only does it look Peepilicious but it tastes just as good and I am going to show you how it is made. Are you ready for a SWEET Peep Show or what?
First a little story behind this. Last week I was searching for ideas on what I could do with these adorable Easter Peeps you see everywhere this time of year. I just could not pass by the Peeps display in my local Candy Store and not buy the Easter Bunny Peeps in every color – it is like they all looked at me and said “Buy Us”, so I did. But I wanted to do something fun with them other than just stick them in the kids Easter Baskets.
So in my search I found a recipe for Peeps S’mores, but done in a casserole dish – It was perfect !!! So I decided to call mine a “Peeps Casserole” since to me that is really what it was. So my daughter was having a bunch of friends over for a sleepover and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try this out and see if it tasted as good as it looks. Yes I am guilty for using my kids friends as my guinea pigs, but they love it !! They think they are all famous when I use their pictures on my Blog – is that funny or what?
Here is what I used to create this Peeps Casserole:
- Easter Bunny Peeps – Any Color, I used them all (lol) 27 in total
- 1 Bag of Pastel Colored M&M’s
- Graham Crackers – 1 Sleeve (1 1/2 Cups)
- 1 Stick of Butter Melted
- 1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
- 1 Tbsp Vanilla
So here are all the ingredients ready to go.
Next you need to crush your Graham Crackers – I did this by placing them into a Ziploc Bag and used my fist – it was a nice moment of letting out some stress. Then place them into a bowl and add in your Melted Butter, Vanilla and Brown Sugar. Mix well. This is what will make your Graham Cracker Crust for your Casserole. Stupid me thought I would not have enough crust to go in the bottom of my baking dish so I added in more Graham Crackers – do not do this without adding in more butter. It really was not necessary for me to add more crackers in, there would have been enough – this just caused my crust to not stay together as well in the end result. No biggie, but next time I will stick with the recipe – lol.
Next take a 9″ x 13″ Baking Dish and give it and spray with Cooking Spray. Preheat the oven to 350. Then take your Graham Crackers and press into the bottom of the dish and spread evenly. Now cover that with your bag of Pastel Colored M&M’s. Then take your Peeps Bunnies and place them on the top all lined up and looking cute!!
Place your Peeps Casserole into the oven for Approx. 15 Minutes or until your Bunny Peeps get all melty. The funny thing about this is that the Bunny Peeps still hold their shape even all cooked & puffed up, but their faces disappear. I have to add in that while I was creating this Peeps Casserole I was giddy with excitement and my daughter’s best friend’s dad was still over after dropping off his daughter seemed to get infected as well. He had to stick around to see the end result as well or maybe he was confused about me talking about having a SWEET Peep Show – lol.
So after it was done I cut it up and plated and the true test was going to be the kids. Will this really taste good or would it be a Flop. So I called them in…
Peeps Drum Roll Please…… They LOVED IT !!! So I actually had to try a piece for myself and ya know what – it was really good.
But I had to make a Note to myself for future sleepovers – Do not feed 5 girls a sugary Peeps Casserole, Cakes Pops & Shirley Temples and expect them to sit and play quietly for at least 5+ hours.
Now I certainly could not close this post without showing you some of the other Cool Ideas for Peeps that I found in my research could I?
So here are 10 of my Favorites:
1. S’mores Peeps in Jar – This is where my inspiration for the Peeps Casserole came from. You place all the ingredients in a Jar with the recipe and give it as a gift – Do you love that or what?
2. Peep Cake Pops – Do you see those adorable Peeps Chicks poking their heads out of the Chocolate Eggs? How cute are those?
3. Tuxedo Peeps – Look at the Peeps all dressed up and ready to party in my Belly – Love those !!
4. Peep-achus – Check out these Peeps all done up to look like Pikachus from Pokemon – Now that is Clever !!
5. Peepshi – Yes it is Peeps Sushi folks ♥♥♥
6. Bunny Peep Pops – Peeps dipped in Chocolate + New Faces + Sticks = YUMMY
7. S’meeps – Got a Peeps Chick, Chocolate & Graham Cracker? They u got S’meeps
8. Easter Peeps Cake – I just loved how cute this was, loved the Peeps Bunnies lining the edges !!
9. Peep Easter Wreath – This is a fun idea. Only problem for me is that living in the country this would be like hanging fancy Fly Paper (lol)
10. Peeps Fondue – Now this is such a great Party Idea for the kids !!
I can’t STOP looking @ the Rainbow!!!!!
Love your comment about the wreath! LOL
I am so making this for my girl’s Easter egg hunt next week!
Hmmm that is weird cause my was almost too dry. I have had others make this with no troubles multiple times – maybe something was just off.
How did it turn out?
luv this peep casser0ll ima try it but ima add easter sprinkles 0n t0p make it m0re c0l0rfull and sweet
Fun!!! Recently went to the Peeps Store at the Mall of America.
You sure had my attention with a Peeps casserole! I wanted to let you know that I featured you in Peeptastic round up at: If you would like a featured button, I have one here on my About page:
Honored – Thanks u so much
Ive searched high and low for all the different bunny colors. My town only has standard yellow. What about using the chicks? I’ve found five different colors of these. Also us the M&M bag a 12 oz? I see you show two but recipe says one.
Peeps chicks would work great as well and I think I only used 1 bag