Saturday, September 14, 2024

Smurf Party Game Ideas

June 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Games

If you are planning a Smurfs Birthday Party then you will definitely need some Smurf Party Game Ideas to help keep those kids entertained. I am going to share lots of Smurfy Games right here to help inspire you to do just that.

I must say I am feeling like a kid again with all this talk about the Smurfs and the New Smurfs Movie. My hubby and kids think I have lost my mind and yes maybe I have, but I am so Smurfin’ excited about it all. I have no shame to say that “I Love the Smurfs” even at my age – so there I said it !!!

I will continue to update this post with more Smurf Game Ideas once I see the Movie. If you have a Smurf Game Idea you would like to share Contact Me and I will add it to the list.

Now lets play…..

Apple Stacking – Smurfs are known to be Three Apples High so to play off of this play a little game of Apple Stacking. Have 3 Apples – Red Delicious work great for this. Have each guest take turns trying to stack those 3 Apples one on top of each other in a minutes time. Not as easy as it sounds. If their stack stands for 10 seconds they got it !! You can keep playing over and over with the winners until you end up with one winner in the end.

Papa Smurf Says – Choose one of the guests to be Papa Smurf or have a parent do it. Play just as you would Simon Says, but in this case it is “Papa Smurf Says”.

Smurf. Smurf, Gargamel – Play this game just like Duck, Duck, Goose but instead do Smurf, Smurf, Gargamel. If you get tapped as Gargamel then you must run and catch the Smurf.

Smurfberry Picking – Take out those Plastic Easter Eggs, but just the Blue & Red Ones to resemble Smurfberries and use those to hide around the yard. You add fun prizes inside of them like Smurf Stickers, Candies or other trinkets. Kick it up a notch and give each guest a small basket like the Smurfs carry and have them sing the theme song” La la la la la la la la la ” as they run around looking for Smurfberries.

Pop A Smurf – Blow up a bunch of Blue Balloons prior to the party – enough for each party guest. Inside the balloons place the names of different Smurfs on folded up pieces of paper. The guests then have to Pop their balloons one at a time by sitting on them and then look at the paper inside without showing anyone else. Then they must act out which Smurf they are and see if the guests can guess. Award prizes for the best Actors. This will be very funny to watch !!

Gargamel’s Hide n Seek – Gargamel is always trying to find those Smurfs – so why not play a little game of Hide N Seek. Whomever is chosen to be “It” will be “Gargamel” of course and those hiding will be the Smurfs.

Alt Version: Hide a bunch of Smurf Figurines around your Yard or Home and all the guests can play Gargamel as they search to find them. Each guest can be limited to finding one each that they get to take home with them.

Gutsy’s Smurfberry Target Practice – Gutsy Smurf in the movie has to get the Stargazer from the Toy Store to help them get home  and he used a Slingshot and Smurberries to help him. So to play off of that you can set up some fun targets using a Toy Slingshot and some Balls (Smurfberries) and see if the guests can knock them down. You can use Empty Water Bottles or Soda Cans lined up etc…

Brainy Smurf’s Quiz – How smart are your party guests? Brainy wants to know !! Print out these FREE Printable Brainy Smurf’s Quiz and challenge the kids to use their Brains like Brainy Smurf does. To add to the fun of this game print and cut out these FREE Printable Glasses and have each of the guests put them on while they play – maybe they will feel smarter – lol.

Papa Smurf”s Potion – Break your party guests up into two teams. Have 2 Big Bowls set up on a table with Big Mixing Spoons in them. Hide a bunch of silly items in your yard or home in pairs, but not hidden in the same place – make sure included in those items is a bottle of water and some Blue Food Coloring. Give each team a list of items they have to locate and bring back. Once they have gathered all the items needed for the potion they must race back and add them to the bowl, pour in the water, add a few drops of Blue Food Coloring and Mix it all up. First team to have all there items back and potion Mixed Wins !!

Clumsy Smurf’s Race – Pair off your party guests and create a 3 Legged Race.  Using a Rope, Scarf or Bandanna have the pair stand next to each other and tie one Right Leg to the others Left Leg so they face in the same direction.  Set them up at a starting position and on go have them race to a Finish Line you set. Who will not trip and fall and be all Clumsy trying to win this race?

Jokey Smurf’s Gift – Play this game like Pass the Parcel, but be sure to wrap up the first layer in Yellow Wrapping Paper with a Red Bow like the one Jokey likes to hand out. Then continue to wrap the box in layers and layers of Wrapping Paper. As the guests pass around the box to the music they unwrap as the music stops. The one who gets the last layer gets the prize in the Box. Make sure the Prize is funny – maybe a Book of Jokes would be fun !!

You Smurf”d – Give each party guest a Necklace as they arrive to the party. It can be anything – Blue Beads,  Blue Yarn etc…  Explain at the start of the party that if anyone is caught saying “Smurf” that the person who heard it first can take their necklace from them. Have this last the entire party and the person who has the most necklaces at the end of the party wins a prize !!

Azrael’s Tail Chase – Azrael is Gargamel’s Cat sidekick so it would be fun to have a game including him in it too. Prior to the party cut up some orange material into strips (enough for each guest). These will act as tails. Also have some Duct Tape available when it comes time to play and use it to tape the tail on the back of each party guest.  Once everyone has a tail have them spread out and on “Go” they must run after each other and try to pull off each others tail, while protecting their own. Once a guest has lost their tail they are out of the game.  The last guest who still has their tail Wins !!

Smurfs Bingo – Kids love Bingo and they will definitely love to play Smurf Style. Check out my post on Smurfs Birthday Party Bingo Game Cards, these Bingo cards can be printed out from your printer and are a perfect addition to the party. There is also this new Smurfs Big Roll Bingo Game now available as well.

Smurfs Dance Party – If you have a Wii then you may want to check out the New Smurfs Dance Party Wii Game which would be lots of fun for the kids at the party. The kids will get to dance to hit songs and learn some new moves from the Smurfs themselves.

Smurfs Pinata – There are a number of different Smurf Pinatas you can go with, but whatever you choose have some fun with the filler. See if you can keep all the goodies inside BLUE in color. I bet you can do it !!! Check out this Giant Smurf Pinata I have that you can get too !!

Smurfs Ring Toss Game – This game is one you can purchase and is party of the new Smurfs Party Supply line. This Smurfs Ring Toss Game includes (1) game board and (6) toss rings. Players take turns to get the most rings onto Clumsy. I think this is so CUTE !!!

Smurfette’s Dress Up Race – For this game you can use Smurfs Costumes or just some fun clothing you have in your own closets (the Funnier and Bigger in size the better). Have the same amount of items that can make up two piles. Break up the guests into two teams. Place all the clothing on the ground in front of each team and set up an area across the way they must race to – maybe a cone of obstacle they must go around while all dressed up.  On “Go” the first person must put on all the clothing in the pile and they race around the obstacle and back again. They must then take off all the clothing and tag the next person in line who must then do the same. First team to have everyone race is the Winner !!

I am sure there will be many more New Smurfs Games coming out once the movie hits that would work with the party and when they do I will add them on. You can find lots of Vintage Smurfs Games

on Ebay that look like a lot of fun and a bunch I remember playing when I was a child.

One thing you need to have on hand is some Smurfs Party Music !!! You can purchase the Smurfs Movie Soundtrack

that has all the fun tunes from the Movie or you can purchase one of the many other Vintage Smurfs Music CD’s. Let the kids have some fun dancing and see who has the best Smurfy Moves !!! Is there a Dance Smurf out there? hmmmm

I also made this FREE Printable Smurfs Theme Song Lyrics Page you can use to teach the kids the words to the Smurfs favorite song !!

Let me finish by saying if you are going to award prizes for your Smurfs Party Games make sure that you have enough for all your party guests so everyone goes home with something. You can have some bigger prizes for the winners and maybe some smaller items for those who do not win, but can still get something so there are no sad faces.

You can find a HUGE selection of Smurfs Toys and Prize ideas here on EBay

. There is just such a mix of the Smurfs Merchandise New and Old and some nice Lots being sold to save you money.

Check out my Big Smurf Birthday Party Post full of Smurfy Ideas here:


One Response to “Smurf Party Game Ideas”
  1. Eileen says:

    Hi Nicole,
    I am underway with planning. I have to say that I will have some interesting decorations, one idea of which I know will be a “one-of-a-kind” and only for Nicky’s party. I want to shout it out but will wait so it can be a surprise. The suspense will kill me – LOL!!!! I think you will appreciate this party very much, as I know you are a HUGE Smurf fan.
    Thanks again for everything!
    Eileen Behar Behar Party Designs

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